In todays class we will be looking at different types of research and how we can implment it into our own healthcare brief.


What is Shoshin?

Shoshin is a concept in Zen Buddhism meaning "beginner's mind". It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner would. The term is often associated with the practice of martial arts, where it emphasises the importance of an open and flexible mindset in the continuous learning process.


james webb young

What is research?

Research is a careful way of looking for new information or checking what we already know. It's done by:

It helps us learn new things, figure out if our ideas are right, and come up with better ways of doing stuff. It's really helpful for understanding more about the world and making improvements in all kinds of areas.

Design Research

Design research is when people study how to make products or services better by focusing on what users need and want. It's like exploring and asking a bunch of questions to figure out how things should look, work, and feel. This type of research often involves watching how people use stuff, chatting with them about their likes and dislikes, and trying out new ideas to see what works best. The main goal is to create things that are not only cool to look at but also easy and fun for people to use.

Grand reveal vs MVP