Making this storyboard of the Apollo 11 mission was a overall fun experience. I drew all the important moments. I started with the crew selection, inspired by their bravery and diversity, and President Kennedy's speech. I showed the launch, orbit, descent, first steps and the landing. The final splashdown shows the mission's end and its big impact on science and culture. Drawing this storyboard made me feel proud of what humans have achieved and give me a overall idea of how the project out by laid out from start middle to end.
Using Procreate, I began doodling sketches from the top of my head. I wanted this to look messy and rough as this is the look I am trying to achieve. Similar to a pencil sketch.
I feel like the rough doodles will make my Apollo 11 design feel more personal. I feel this will give my design a unique, friendly appearance to a rather serious topic, making it interesting for all types of audiences from young to old.