For this section of my blog I wanted to interview at least two people who have personal knowledge and experiences working or being in a hospital environment.

Interviewing graduate Doctor

As I only know one doctor who is a mutual friend Ilyas who studied at Queens University and recently graduated I decided to ask him a few questions how what he thinks of my scheduling app and how it could improve his work. This was a very informal talk but it give me insight. I kept the questions simple and straight to the point so he didn’t loose interest.

Me: How would you envision integrating a personalised scheduling app into the workflow of NHS doctors to enhance their efficiency during shifts?

**Ilyas: “**I could really benefit from a scheduling app on my phone. It would help keep track of appointments better and avoid running behind as I can get carried away talking to patients. Which means others have to wait which isn’t ideal!”

Me: Can you talk about similar tech solutions you've used and how good they were in improving workflow and communication?

**Ilyas: “**I've used similar tech solutions in the past like digital health record systems and social media such as whatsapp but never an app that has it all in one. I think it would really improve workflow.”

Me: How could the app's chat function improve communication among NHS staff, like doctors, nurses, and cleaners, and how might this benefit teamwork and patient care?

**Ilyas: “**An NHS app with a chat function would be so useful for me as a junior doc. Everyone could talk directly on their phones and ask for help quicker. It would also be good to relate with people who have to deal with the same experiences.”

Interviewing Patient Gary

As of the last few months my dad, Gary has been in and out of hospital due to acute Pancreatitis caused by gallstones. Making the best out of a bad situation I asked if he would answer a few of my questions.

Me: How did you find the treatment you got by the doctors during your stay at the Royal Hospital?

Gary: “I was in hospital for just over a week, but I could’ve been realised a lot quicker of the doctors didn’t forget about me which happened on two occasions. They were scheduled to come and give me my diagnosis at 8pm on a Friday but I heard nothing so had to be kept in during the weekend as they wouldn’t see me again until Monday.”

Personal Reflection

Reflecting on the interviews I conducted with Ilyas the NHS doctor and Gary a patient, it has helped my understanding of the needs and challenges faced by users.