What is a service?

A service is something that helps someone do something for instance buying a car. You can go to social media, dealerships or a online car sales company to buy or sell a car.

Selling and buying a house

Similar to cars, buying and selling a house has a number of steps you need to consider before going straight in. This can include Estate agents, property pal (housing websites), mortgage company and housing surveys.

Lou Downe

Lou Downes interview shows how important it is to know what makes a service good. She points out a big problem in service design, there's no agreed upon definition of good service quality. Because of this it's hard for professionals to show why it's important to invest in making services better. She gives a clear list of what makes a service good. This helps designers and organisations check and improve the quality of their services. The list is about clear standards that make sure services meet user needs in a good and efficient way.

What I Learned

I learned that it's important to define what good service means for the service design industry to grow and become more professional. This definition helps make services that focus on the user, are easy to run, and are socially responsible. It highlights the need for easy to use services and tries to remove any parts that might confuse or annoy users. By creating a common understanding of what good service is, Her work improves communication between everybody involved in providing the service. This leads to better decisions. This is especially useful for anyone who designs, improves, or manages services.

Good services that work

Service design principles: