For this project we began looking into self driving cars. Autonomous vehicles, or self-driving cars, are a big leap in transportation. They use smart technology to drive without human help. This makes travel safer and more efficient, and it could also reduce traffic and pollution. In this project, we'll learn about how they work and why they're important for the future of transportation.

How does it work?

Autonomous vehicles, or self-driving cars, work using special sensors like cameras and radar to see the road and everything around them. These sensors send information to a computer inside the car. This computer uses smart programs to understand the data and make decisions about driving, like when to speed up, slow down, or turn. The car also uses detailed maps to know exactly where it is on the road. It's like having a really smart robot driver and just in case something unexpected happens, there are backup systems to keep everyone safe. So, these self-driving cars can drive on their own, making travel easier and safer for everyone on the road.

Is it a personal experience?

Autonomous vehicles are like smart cars that can drive themselves. Using special sensors, they can see the road and make decisions about driving. But it's not a personal experience like a feeling. It's more like using a really smart tool for transportation.

As for controlling your environment, that means making changes in a room like adjusting the lights or temperature. But I'm not a physical being, so I can't do that. I'm just a computer program that helps with information and tasks based on what you ask me.

Different types of Services?

Here are some key players in the Autonomous Vehicles industry to date: