What is Ideation?

Ideation is the creative process of coming up with new ideas to solve problems or achieve goals. It involves thinking openly, generating many different ideas without judging them right away.

People often work together to explore various possibilities, using techniques like brainstorming. The key is to be open-minded and creative. Ideation is an important part of innovation, helping individuals and teams find innovative solutions by encouraging creativity and exploration.

What It Covers

Here are a few key points of content which is included in ideation:

Method: Exploring various approaches or techniques.

Worst way: Evaluating and understanding the least effective methods.

Mood boards: Creating visual collages to capture and convey design inspirations, themes, or feelings.

Sketching: Drawing quick and rough illustrations to visualise ideas and concepts.

Mind maps: Organising thoughts and ideas in a visual hierarchy, depicting relationships and connections.

Brainstorming: Generating creative ideas through a collaborative and free-flowing group discussion.

Connections: Identifying and establishing relationships or links between different elements or concepts.

Associations: Connecting ideas or concepts based on similarities or shared characteristics.

Negative brainstorming: Exploring and listing unfavourable or problematic aspects to uncover potential challenges or risks.

SCAMPER Technique

The SCAMPER technique serves the purpose of refining existing ideas or processes to find optimal solutions. It involves utilising seven actions to substitute or modify various components within the process.