As an Interaction Design graduate, developing strong interview skills is essential to effectively communicate your expertise and secure job opportunities. Today we looked at interview skills.

We where given a class task to get into pairs and interview each other. We were given these set of questions which caught me off guard. Being honest I still wonder what UX means to me and it was a struggle to think on the spot without doing research. The question that really got me was design leaders I follow as I have never looked into it before I had no idea what to say. Going from this interview I need to research more into IXD leaders so I feel more confident in answering interview questions.


Question: What's your definition of UX design?


User Experience design is the process of creating products or services that are meaningful and enjoyable for users. It involves understanding user needs, conducting research, and translating insights into design solutions. A UX designer focuses on enhancing the overall experience by ensuring products are not only functional but also easy to use and aesthetically pleasing. This involves iterative design, usability testing, and collaboration with cross-functional teams to create a seamless and satisfying interaction between users and the product or service.

Question: Tell me about a project that you’re proud of?


I am proud of the smartwatch UI as I have never challenged myself to work on such a small scale before. I overcame this challenge by researching how smartwatch UI displays appear for example using a basic set of colours and limited graphics. I feel this helped my grow as a IXD designer and I genuinely learned so much about small scale design during this project.

Question: Can you name any design leaders that you follow?


Yes, I actively follow several design leaders who inspire me with their innovative thinking and contributions to the field. Some of the notable figures include Don Norman, who has greatly influenced the field of human centred design and coined the term 'user experience.' I also admire the work of Irene Au for her expertise in interaction design and design leadership.

Question: What do you do if you disagree with a product manager or teammate?


If I find myself in disagreement with a product manager or teammate, my approach is to first seek to understand their perspective fully. I believe open communication and active listening are crucial. I would express my viewpoint, providing clear and well-reasoned arguments, while also being receptive to their insights. Desolating the situation is the top of my priority.

Question: What inspires you to be a UX designer?


I'm inspired to be a UX designer by the opportunity to create meaningful and positive experiences for users. The idea that design can significantly impact how people interact with and derive value from technology is what drives me. I find inspiration in the challenge of understanding user needs, solving complex problems, and ultimately improving the overall quality of a user's interaction with a product or service. Witnessing the tangible impact of good design on user satisfaction and engagement motivates me to continuously learn, innovate, and contribute to creating products that enhance people's lives.

Question: When a client doesn’t like the design what do you do?
