The brief for this project is to design three screens for a smartwatch app. It has to be a concept that is innovative. An idea that hasn’t been oversaturated in the app market.


Group Activity

To begin, my group focused on travel and entertainment, then gradually we seen so much opportunities and ideas we could create within the chosen categories. I enjoyed this group activity as it was a good experience to work in a team and develop multiple ideas.


Creating my Own Mind Map

I branched off using my own mind maps focusing on health and travel which led me down a rabbit hole into UV levels as it has became a important topic in my life as of lately.


From traveling a lot in my life I decided to focus on these touch points as they are the first topics that come into my head. I highlighted food and weather as these topics stood out the most. With food, you could create an app where you find new food in your travels. This could be focused on people who have dietary needs such as vegans or intolerances. It could teach you about culture mannerisms for instance in Japan it is deemed rude to leave rice in your bowl after a meal.

I then looked into weather. I could create an app on what to do in a natural disaster situation or extreme weather conditions. I also thought about the sun and how it can effect us in many different ways which lead me into focusing on health.

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I thought about what I could focus on from the previous mind map and how weather conditions can cause health issues. UV damage jumped out at me as I have experience in this area and find it a hot topic of interest due to global warming and how the world around us is changing.

I also thought an app to help someone with a eating disorder would be a good idea. But after careful thought I realised it is a complex disease and an app based on this could trigger someone to relapse.


Japan Trip