Apollo 11 Prototype
Apollo 11 eBook
Weekly Content
01: Getting Started
02: Typography Macro & Micro
03: Art Direction
04: Journeying Immersively
05: Narratives in Print and Film
06: Amplifying Data
07: Prototype Critique
08: The Story of eBooks
09: Creative confidence for success
10: What is storytelling in design?
12: eBook Critique
Apollo 11 Project
01: Reverse brain storming
02: Researching Apollo 11
03: Finding my style
04: Inspiration through game UI
05: Choosing a type
06: Research experimentation
07: Creating Initial Sketches
08: Wire-framing
09: Photoshop experimentation
10: Prototyping
11: eBook Layout Inspiration
12: eBook
13: Project Reflection
Reading List
Apollo Content
Think like a storyteller
A Practical Guide to Designing the Invisible
The Magical Science of Storytelling
Interactive Storytelling-David Cage